Donations / Fee Payments

If you want to donate to Charlotte Table Tennis Club use the donation button. To make payments for club activities please use the button below. The Charlotte Table Tennis Club is a 501(c) non-profit organization. If you need extra donation receipts please contact us using our contact info page or for self-service create a free XcooBee account with the same email you used for the donation. 

Memberships Fees

CTTC is one of the least expensive table tennis clubs in the country. Please help us keep it that way by paying the appropriate fees. If you are paying your membership fees you can use the following links to setup your automated payment plans.


$50/monthly, $140/quarterly (save $10), or  $510/annually (save $90)
 Setup Individual Autopay 


$70/monthly, $200/quarterly (save $10), or $714/annually (save 15%)
 Setup Family Autopay 

Children under 18 years of age and Seniors 65 and older:

$20 per month or $50 per quarter
 Setup Student Autopay 


$10 per day (max 6 times a quarter)
 Pay Visitor Day Pass  

To manage your current auto-payments or cancel them, please contact-us or for self-service, create a free XcooBee account with the same email you used to create the auto-payment. Once you have an account you can visit the payments screen. There you can see existing subscriptions (memberships) and make changes.